Friday, May 25, 2012

Iran, the Gospel of Barnabus and the collapse of Christianity

"News" of the infamous Gospel of Barnabus has has surfaced again and is being reported in such esteemed organs as The Daily Mail . I posted some time ago about the background to this fake Gospel and how Islamic sites get over-excited whenever it's mentioned.
The latest re-hash seems to be exactly that - a recycling of a story that was first published in the Mail in February.
Even by the standards of lazy DM journalism, this really does beggar belief! Do they think the attention span of their readers is so short that they won't cotton on to the fact that they're reading a 5 month old story? Actually, don't answer that.


  1. Christianity will fall. The Vatican are trembling. Islam will rule!

    1. 'The Vatican are trembling. Islam will rule!'
      1) the Vatican II is what killed the Catholic Church,
      2) way to come off as peaceful, wouldn't want you to shatter any stereotypes, now would we?

  2. Are you on twitter?

  3. I mean, it would be good to follow you via twitter for updates to your blog.

  4. Yes - I must get into the habit of updating on Twitter - Good idea. I tweet (if that's the right verb...) as Spinoza.

  5. I've posted links to your blog on twitter today and you've had some re-tweets and must have received new visits because of it - at a minimum its good for just posting when you have new posts on your blog to keep people updated if nothing else!/billoislove

  6. Post your twitter link please

    1. I'm not entirely sure how these things work but isn't the little bird symbol at the top right of my blog page the link?
      In any case, herewith the link:!/CaptainSpinoza
      Thank you everyone for your interest.

  7. Thanks - I am following you now. The twitter symbol at the top of the page didn't link directly to your twitter account, at least not for me.
