Thursday, July 28, 2011

The "Ark" discovered on Mount Judi - another miracle...

"Kevin" wrote to me some time ago suggesting that I might like to look into the apparent discovery of the remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Judi - just as was reported in the Qur'an -by someone called Ron Wyatt . He attached some photos and "radar scans" and presumably hoped that this at last would convince me of the divine nature of the Qur'an.
The pictures looked convincing (see above) but I always like to do my own checking and research. It didn't take long to discover that Wyatt had also "discovered" the Ark of the Covenant, the true Cross, and just about every other long-lost Judeo-Christian artefact. It was time for another mail...
"The aerial images are genuine in the sense that they are images of someting that really exists. I don't think they can lay claim to that epithet in any other sense of the word - please see below..(there is a plethora of articles all dismissing this site and the work of Wyatt. Please ask me if you still need convincing that the Ark search is a wild goose least for the moment!).
How many Muslims are labouring under the misapprehension that this "proves" the divinity of the Qur'an? How many Immams know (because they bothered to check...) but are happy to let their flock remain in ignorance? And the same could be said for so many of the apparent proofs of the Qur'an. Can you understand why I get so frustrated?

Has Noah's Ark Been Found? Part I
By Dr. David Merling

For two or three years I have been regularly confronted with the double question, "Has Noah's ark been found, and if so, why aren't Adventist archaeologists in the forefront of proclaiming this discovery?" This article is the first of a two part series to answer these questions. In Part I, I will review the biblical and archaeological evidence that has been proposed to prove Noah's ark has been found. In Part II I will discuss the scientific claims about "Noah's ark", in the light of how to evaluate the truthfulness of claims that will arise in the future.
The reader should know that I write this article sympathetically. Nothing would please me more than the finding of Noah's ark. I am a Bible student, an archaeologist, and a curator of an archaeological museum, The discovery of any ancient artifact is exciting for me, but the discovery of Noah's ark would be a singular event: undoubtedly, the most significant archaeological find in history. Also, like the majority of the readers of the Adventist Review I believe in the biblical story of the flood. How could I not be excited if such a relic was found?!
The Durupinar Site in the Tendurek Mountains
In the last century, the primary place where most searchers for Noah's ark have looked is the traditional Mount Ararat (Agri Dagh), the highest of the eastern Turkish mountains. The reason that this mountain has been the focus of investigation is a misunderstanding of Genesis 8:4,1 and some late traditions regarding Agri Dagh.2 While Agri Dagh is still being searched by some, most queries that have recently come to me are about a boat-shaped form often called Durupinar, which lies approximately 17 miles south of Agri Dagh.
This site was discovered by Llhan Durupinar, a captain in the Turkish army.3 While reviewing aerial photographs taken for NATO's Geodetic Survey of Turkey, Capt. Durupinar was startled to see a ship-like form on one of the photographs. The subsequent announcement of this strangely shaped form caused a furor in the U.S. and European media, which led to on-site investigations. Noorbergen recounts the distressing developments preceding his, George Vandeman's and Don Loveridge's own expedition in 1960, which included Captain Durupinar, and resulted in a military escort and permission to investigate the site. This was the first scientific investigation of the Durupinar site. After two days of digging (and even usiing dynamite) inside the "boat-shaped" formation the disappointed expedition members found only "dirt, rocks and more dirt." The official news release issued by George Vandeman, the team leader, concluded that "there vere no visible archaeological remains" and that this formation "was a freak of nature and not man-made."4
While most of the scholarly community has considered the nature of the Durupinar site as settled, i.e., a natural formation, at least one Seventh-day Adventist scholar has maintained some interest in this formation.5 William H. Shea,6 after reading Noorbergen's account about the expedition to the "boat-shaped" formation, published an article in 1976 suggesting that rather than being the ark, perhaps, this site was the "mold or cast of the Ark." Shea acknowledge that the Durupinar site had no archaeological evidence, but considered the formation's length, approximating the biblical ark's dimensions, curious at the least.7
Recently, Ron Wyatt has, through his book8 and video, created an interest among lay members in this boat-shaped site.9 Wyatt claims that the Turkish government credits him with finding the Durupinar site, and thus, the discoverer of Noah's ark (p. 1, 4, 11, 22-23, 39).10 This is an unusual claim since this site was discovered in 1959, as noted above, and even acknowledged, if somewhat lightly, by Wyatt himself (p. iv) . Since there has been much recent interest in the Durupinar site, and most of the questions that have come to me have been about the claims of Wyatt that the Durupinar site is Noah's ark, I will evaluate his claims.
Is the Durupinar Site the Site of Noah's Ark?
The one undisputed fact that the Durupinar site has in its favor is it length, which is roughly the expected length of the ark.11 Wyatt's suggestion that the reason the Durupinar site (the ark) is 138 feet wide instead of the expected 86 feet, is that the ark has been splayed (pp. 14-15), is unconvincing. The truth is that the Durupinar site is about 50 per cent too wide to be the ark. While this point should not be over stressed, I feel that Wyatt's claims for the Durupinar site based on its length is out of proportion. A fair evaluation of the Durupinar site is that its length is approximately the length of the ark, while its width is twice as wide.
Wyatt says that the shape size of the boat-shaped formation "defies any other explanation" and it is "the only formation of its kind on planet earth"(p. 13). These are very difficult claims to prove, since he offers no alternative suggestions himself. Fortunately, Wyatt has not been the only one to analyze the Durupinar site. John D. Morris, who has graduate degrees in geological engineerinq, includinq a Ph.D., and who is himself an avid searcher for Noah's ark, has made two geological surveys of this site.12 His conclusion is that the Durupinar site is unique in its geological formation but that it is a geologically explainable phenomenon. Writes Morris, "Just as water flows around a rock in a stream bed, the site has acquired a streamlined shape, due to the dynamics of the slowly flowing material."13 Agri Dagh is itself a volcano, while the entire region is volcanic. In other words, according to Morris, the "boat-shapedness" of the Durupinar site comes from the lava flowing around an obstruction.
The Anchor14 Stones
Wyatt sees the many anchor stones he saw in 1977 of "tremendous significance" in proving the Durupinar site is the true Noah's ark (pp. 5, 21-22, 24). He claims to have seen 13 such anchor stones, eight of which have inscriptions that make a direct connection between the anchors and Noah (p. 21). Wyatt claims that the crosses chiseled on their surface are from the Byzantine and Crusader periods, but he rules out the possibility that the anchors, themselves, were crafted during those times because some of the anchors have no crosses or inscriptions (pp. 5, 21). Although the stones that Wyatt has found are as much as 14 miles from the Durupinar site, Wyatt has decided that the anchors were cut away from the ark as it approached the mountains leaving them all lying in a straight line.
When exactly these stones were set, in place, and by whom, may be debated, but the biblical account does not match Wyatt's reconstruction for the placement oaf the anchors in their present location. He would see an ark guided by Noah, dropping the anchors as the ark approach the large mountains of the area, while the Bible portrays Noah's roll as passive. The Bible's chronological outline reports that the ark was "snagged" by one of the mountains before the mountain tops were visible and that the ark rested on the 17th day of the seventh month, while the mountains became visible on the first day of the tenth month. It is recorded that it was another 40 days before Noah even opened the window (Genesis 8:4-6).
Adding the number of days between when the ark rested (17th day of the seventh month) to the time when the mountains became visible (on the first day of the tenth month) lets us know that the tops of the mountains did not become visible for over 70 days after the ark was resting on ground. This means that the place where Noah's ark settled must be one of the higher mountains in its region, since for the ark to be resting in a low area with the mountains around still covered by water would be impossible. Agri Dagh is 10,000 feet higher and easily visible from the Durupinar site, it would, therefore, be impossible for the ark to be at the Durupinar site while Agri Dagh was still covered with water.15 The three verses of Genesis 8:4-6 are strong evidence that the Durupinar site cannot be related to Noah's ark.
It is most likely that these "anchor" stones originally had nothing to do with Christianity or the Flood. According to Abraham Terian16 the stones that Wyatt has found are not unique to the Durupinar area but are scattered throughout ancient Armenia.17 They are known to have been crafted by pagans and used in their worship long before Christianity came to Armenia. What Wyatt has identified as "rope holes" were originally niches for lamps. When the local Armenians became Christians, says Terian, many of these pagan stele were Christianized with inscriptions and symbols.18 This is why many of them are found in Christian cemeteries. They were holy stones, first for the pagans, then the Christians.
There is a fairly easy way to determine whether these stones were originally anchors or pagan stele, or at least to determine where they originated. Chemical and isotopic analyses and mineralogical tests could determine the origin Of the stone from which these stele are carved, or they could say whether or not they are unique to the area they are found today. If these stones were crafted by Noah instead of people indigenous to this region, we would expect that the stone anchors would be composed of rock similar to where Noah started from, not where he stopped.
Without these tests it is impossible to be certain where these stones have originated. However, the evidence we do have causes me to conclude that these stones ware not crafted by Noah's workmen, but were probably made near where they are found. According to Shea, all of the anchors are made of basalt, a stone common to volcanic regions. Since the entire region of the Tendurek mountains19 is volcanic, basalt is common to this area.20 Since the anchors are made of a rock commonly found in the Agri Dagh region, the most likely conclusion is that these stones originated in this region and, thus, were originally pagan stele not anchors.
Summary and Conclusion
For the past several years it has been claimed by Ron Wyatt that he has discovered Noah's ark. The site he claims to have "discovered," however, was originally discovered in 1959 by a Turkish captain. While the Durupinar site is about the right length for Noah's ark, it is, in addition, too wide to be Noah's ark. Wyatt has claimed that the "boat-shapedness" of this formation can only be explained by its being Noah's ark, but both Shea and Morris have offered other plausible explanations. Likewise, Wyatt has argued that the standing stones he has found are anchors, while Terian is aware of similar stones outside the Durupinar site area that were pagan cultic stones later converted by Christians for Christian purposes.
Gen 8:4 says that the ark rested in the "mountains of Ararat. Ararat was a mountainous country. See also 2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38 and Jeremiah 51:27. That Ararat was a country instead of a mountain should not surprise Seventh-day Adventists since this same information was printed in the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary over 30 years ago. Horn, Siegfried H., Commentary Reference Series, Vol. S, Review and Herald: 1960, "Ararat."

For a reliable summary of the early and numerous locations of Noah's ark see, Bailey, Lloyd R. Noah: The Person and the Story in History and Tradition, Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1989, pp. 61-115. For example, JabelJudi(Cudi Dagh),located near Mosul, was accepted by Jews, Christians and Muslims as the ark's landing place during the early Islamic period, p. 67.

Information about the discovery of the Durupinar site is taken from Noorbergen, Rene, The Ark File. Mountain View: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1974, pp. 116ff.

Noorbergen, p. 128 and an aerial and two ground-level pictures of this site and a short article detailing the finding of this site and its subsequent investigation were reported in Life, September 5, 1960.

For an example of the general dismissal of the Durupinar site consider the cursory treatment given by Lloyd R. Bailey, Noah: The Personand theStory inHistory andTradition, University of South Carolina Press, 1989, p. 92, "The object in the aerial photos of 1959 has already been confirmed as a natural formation."

Formerly a professor at the SDA Theological Seminary and currently an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference.

"The Ark-shaped Formation in the Tendurek Mountains of Eastern Turkey," Creation Research Science Quarterly 3:1976, pp. 91. William Shea is one of the most creative and best published of Adventist scholars. He is well respected by both Adventist and non-Adventist scholars. To this day he believes that the question of the location of Noah's ark is unsettled. Due to the large number of queries the Institute of Archaeology has assembled a collection of letters and papers that speak to the question, "Is the Durupinar site Noah's Ark?" Those articles and letters quoted in this article, and noted with an *in these footnotes can be obtained in full by writing the Institute of Archaeology, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104 and ask for the "Durupinar file." William Shea, "To Whom It May Concern,"* a letter, December 28, 1992, Merling, David, "Has Noah's Ark Been Found,"* a more fully documented copy of the two articles in this series.

Wyatt, Ron, Discovered: Noah's Ark, Nashville: World Bible Society, 1989. All page numbers in the text, not referenced to another source refer to this book.

David Fasold's book The Ark of Noah (New York: Wynwood Press, 1989) also claims the Durupinar site is Noah's ark. Fasold's book has circulated primarily among non-Adventist evangelicals, while Wyatt's influence has been with the Adventist audience. Fasold and Wyatt appear to be partners in an attempt to proclaim the Durupinar site as Noah's ark, but since Wyatt's claims have circulated primarily among SDAs I will evaluate his claims. I purchased my copy of Discovered: Noah's Ark at the local Adventist Book Center.

See also the Southern Accent October 1992, caption under Wyatt's picture, "The Turkish government recognizes Ron Wyatt as the man who discovered Noah's Ark."

The statement by Wyatt, arguing for the Egyptian cubit, that Moses "would have been referring to the only cubit he knew" (p. 14), is simplistic and ill informed. We do not know what Moses knew, but we do know that the Near Eastern cultures were much more complex, and knew much more about each other than he supposes. There were trade relations throughout all of the ancient Near East. Are we to suppose that these nations traded with each other without knowing the common measurements of their trading partners? Moses may well have used the Egyptian cubit but arguments can be suggested for the other cubits as well.

"That Boat-Shaped Rock," Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 16.

Ibid., p. 18, "The rock types are rather exotic, but there is nothing present which must be attributed to human construction."

For convenience I am using the common term for these stones, but later in this discussion suggestions are made that dispute that these stones are anchors or replicas of anchors.

The 16,945 foot Agri Dagh is only 17 miles north of the Durupinar site (elevation c. 6,300 feet).
Dr. Terian, an Armenian by birth, teaches at the SDA Theological Seminary and is recognized as a world-class scholar in Armenian studies. Among his many honors, Dr. Terian has been invited several times to lecture and research in Russian Armenia.

Standing stones are not unusual in the Near East. For example, one of numerous examples would be the ten standing stones found during the excavations of R.A.S. Macalister at Tell Gezer. The Excavation of Gezer. Vol. II, London: John Murray, 1912, pp. 385-396.

Ararat Report, No. 17, May-June i988, but reconfirmed by the author in a conversation with Abraham Terian, January 18, 1992.

This is a better geographical term for the area around the Durupinar site.
Snellng, ibid., p. 33.


  1. this does not prove Qur'an is wrong! you will discover my friend what awaits disbelievers!

  2. Thanks, anonymous. I shall look forward to Judgement day with impatience.

    1. Your sarcasm is much unappreciated, spinoza. I 'pray' that your impatience is rewarded.

    2. I assure you, if heaven has Muhammad and his companions while hell has Einstein, Mozart, Nietzsche, Gandhi and just about every great man ever to live on earth, you will apply for a hell visa after a decade at most!

    3. Thats if they lasted more than few hours, but thats what is going to happen they are going to last more than you xan imagine. Sadly we will not recognise them even if we get the hell visa, my unknown friend.
      Not to forget once you get to heaven you will forget about those in hell even if they were your siblings, parents or relatives and you will not even fell sympathy towards them.
      So watch what you are saying sir/Madam because it gets recorded and you either get rewarded or punished.

      May Allah guide you to the right path my friend.
      Don't wanna scare you, but no one can run away from the truth.

    4. Excellent words dear brother. May Allah(SWT) guide all of us to the right path, Ameen.

  3. I think it interesting to wonder whether this was the origin of the Ark myth - certainly it seems to be a HUGE COINCIDENCE if it really is just a natural phenomenon
    Anyone else out there throw some more light on this???

  4. It seems obvious to me that this is where the idea of the "Ark" resting on Mnt. Judi came from.
    You can just imagine the stories circulating about a giant boat resting on the mountain and Muhammad thinking to himself - ah! here's a great opportunity!

    1. How do you know there was a story circulating?

    2. from the fact that it appears in the Qu'ran

  5. When are the poor sods who believe this rubbish going to realise they've been had???

  6. Allah knows best!

  7. "Mount Judi is situated to the north-east of the Island of Ibn 'Umar in Kurdistan. According to the Bible, the Ark's resting place was Ararat, which is the name of a particular mountain as well as of a whole range of mountains in Armenia. Ararat, in the sense of a mountain range, extends from the Armenian plateau to southern Kurdistan. The mount called Judi is part of this range and is known even today by the same name."

    1. The Qur'an did specify and gave the exact name of the mountain...the kufars would never come into terms with the believers..this are people whom Allah told us will hide the truth and try to mislead the believers but they only mislead themselfes further.

  8. Thanks, Anon. I'm not entirely sure what your point is. Your link takes me to an Islamic site that starts with the following
    "The following pictures (click on hyperlinks below) were received by an email and is the work of Wyatt Archeological Research. Their web site appears to be (web site info was sent by Yusuf Yu)"
    Hence this Islamic site is STILL labouring under the misapprehension that Wyatt is a reliable source of information instead of a charlatan...

    1. @Spinoza; My advice to you: Get a life. Seriously, did you go all the way to that link just to reply to Anon?
      Yep, you need to get. a. life.

  9. Asalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi is it true that Noahs Ark were found because there are some websites where christians themselves are criticising, refuting the claim. Even the Biblical Scholar, scholar of the mesopotamian litreture,religion and culture, Phd in egyptology, heroglyphics, scholar in Semitic language Michael S Heiser, who, Answeringmuslims, callingmuslims and people such as Keith Thompson are always referring to even wrote a couple of article rexuting the claim in one of his articles his friend Randall Price an archaeologist found a wooden wall in Mount Ararat but he and other crews found out through evidence(i know that the Ark is on Mount Judi).
    Even the biblical archaeologist Jonathan Gray got criticised about this. I contacted Mr Heiser and sended a video-link where the archaeologist Michael Hughes explains that they found an Ark and also that they took many samples from the earth where they found the same bacterias that are in different animals and that they also found parts of the animals, fossils but Mr Heiser said that this study were many years ago so I wonder if this is true and if this really is true I
    would really appreciate some academic evidences from scholars and archaeologists about this claim.
    But anyway here are the links


  10. one of the finest and logical blogs i ever visited in my life,thanks dear

  11. there is a scientific paper that showed discovery is a hoax

  12. Allah Almighty has revealed in the Holy Quran that Noah's Ark rested on Mount Judi So that is the fact. THe Quran can never ever be wrong as it is word of Allah, the omnipotent.

    1. no - it's the inane witterings of a deluded crack-pot.

    2. How old are you, exactly? Who let you on the computer? If you had any idea what exactly the Quran is, you wouldn't be saying that. Even the POPE admitted that the Quran is the Book of God.
      So I suggest you go screw yourself.

    3. to-Anonymous("it's the inane witterings of a deluded crack-pot.")--If anyone is having a doubt first read quran and bible both,know the truth,that would be better than having a cold war on networking sites,you do not need to prove urself as a devotee of a relegion-its for all of u of any relegion

  13. The bible says one thing which is almost correct and christians say there's no errors un it and the bible must be word if god well what about the hundreds of things its got wrong??? Anyone that can read nursery books would be able to identify its errors ..your like a bunch of educated illiterates who have no common sense U call Jesus Jesus when his Hebrew name was isho or as Muslims say Isa just that little difference goes to show how much U know about your own religion I can't wait to see him reject all those that call him god in front of god.god bless may U all come to the truth like Jesus pbuh says search for the truth and the truth shall free you..

  14. quran always shows the truth,but it depends upon the man of any relegion to accept,,some believe but as a story,some after a research,some do not,while rest disagree.
    It would be good if everyone read and have a research on the holy books and you would be able to decide on which side you were standing.

  15. This blog proves/disproves nothing. Ok the Ark wasn't found and the finding may have been a hoax, does not mean the ark didn't exist. Recent Malaysian plane not being found despite a large scale search within days by rest of world anyone?

  16. The Glorious Quran simply mentions the incident concerning the Ark in the era of Prophet Noah. The Quran never states that the Ark will one day be found 5,000 years later. So I don't know what the author of this blog is frowning and fussing about. If such an information is mentioned in the altered Old or New Testaments or the man-written Hadith which is a similar forgery like the altered Christian & Jewish bibles and NOT the sayings of Prophet Muhammed, then do not forget, these sources have NOTHING to do with the Quran.

  17. Stop being apologetic. Bible says "Mountains" of Ararat, while we all know that Mount Judiyy was never be included in "Mountains" of Ararat. Which means Quran gave the exact location, while Bible gave speculative locations. Ended up wrong.
